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Bluray The Hid Kickass Avi Utorrent 1080 Dubbed 2k


(2011) 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-HDChina A documentary about the history of China's cultural revolution, its positive impact on society, and under-told stories. The Hidden Face is a documentary about the Cultural Revolution in China. The revolution lasted from 1966 to 1976 and led to some incredible changes in society while also causing some losses. At the center of this film are small stories of the people who lived through it, some for ten or twenty years after, and how these events impacted them positively or negatively. Though this film does not focus much on the political perspective, it does provide a window into one aspect: culture. China was at a high point in its history and culture. "The Hidden Face" follows the revolution from its origin until the destruction of the Mao statues in 1976. This film is filled with stories and views of people who influenced and were influenced by the Cultural Revolution. Many of them mention how it changed their lives, though all of them say that it was for the better. The majority of these people talk about how the Cultural Revolution brought them out of poverty and into a life where they could think for themselves as well as be respected as individuals. The documentary shares their stories through interviews as well as photo collections. The film opens with the story of Li Jinjin. She was born poor, and ended up in a forced labor camp after she was taken to Beijing for protesting the government's policies. Though her story is very sad, she shines as an example of how anyone can be saved through the turning point that the Cultural Revolution brought about. She says "I'm not exaggerating when I say that if it weren't for that Cultural Revolution, I would have died in poverty." The beginning of this film takes place in 1960s China, which was at its peak in culture and history. However the attempt to make China like America had started to cause problems. When the Cultural Revolution started in 1966, it was led by Mao Zedong. He was considered by many to be the hope of China, but his attempts to make China like America were causing problems in society. Mao Zedong wanted to purge all opposition in society and force everyone to follow communism. He set out to destroy things that he thought were against his ideals. His "Great Leap Forward" was an attempt at industrialization that ended up killing many people and destroying much of Chinese industry. Then he decided to start the Cultural Revolution, which was also targeting people who he believed were opposing him in some way. The film shows how he used the Red Guards as the vanguard of this revolution. These were kids who were supposed to be defending him; however sometimes they did things on their own. One of these stories is of Luo Yuan, who has lost almost all memory of his life before the Cultural Revolution began. When he was ten, he joined the Red Guards and participated in the movement against the "four olds". He did not understand that his actions would end up hurting many people. Later on, he got into trouble because he did not support the government strictly enough. The film includes footage of what happened during this movement against "Four Olds", which targeted anything that was old (Confucianism, traditional culture, customs and habits, ideas of feudalism). cfa1e77820


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