MAH MCA CET Online Mock Tests
MCA exam
Category:Bengali-language surnamesQ:
Missing apex classes in all objects that have pending changes
We have a setup that has been working well. Recently Salesforce added features that cause 3 objects to run "refresh".
These objects are:
Object containing a list of accounts that use a sync process for their data (this is an integration object)
Object containing a list of Contact records that don't include the Standard field, "Last Modified by"
Object containing a list of Case records that don't include the "Last Modified By" standard field.
We have 3 different orgs that we use as test environments.
When a user has pending changes, if they try and run "refresh" on any of these objects, the entire refresh fails because these objects are missing the following classes and methods:
For the account sync process object, this results in an error on the SOAP call.
The Case object doesn't have the same issue.
A user is also unable to update any records. If they add a contact record, for example, and click save, they get an error, "An unexpected error has occurred".
One other thing, the sync process object doesn't error if the user only adds a contact record and doesn't modify the object. The user can just add the contact and leave the object blank.
The error message says "The record couldn't be changed because it is being modified by another record."
We have replicated the issue across multiple orgs in different regions.
I can't seem to find a pattern between the differing test and production orgs.
Has anyone run into this issue? What is causing it and how can we resolve it?
As indicated by the error, each record that the user attempts to modify during the refresh runs into a problem caused by a trigger that's currently in the process of running. There are a number of different potential causes of triggers running, but one of the most common is that the update triggers for an object may have been inadvertently removed or become empty.
Regardless of the cause, it sounds as though the object record(s) that the trigger ac619d1d87
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